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S t o u r h e a d   7 5   w i t h    s t u d i o   m e r a k i  -   a   t h o u s a n d   f e a t h e r s 

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Stourhead, Studio Meraki (Steph Tudor and Kerry Russell) were appointed by the National Trust and Creativity Works to create a community-led arts project highlighting the importance of the natural world and the positive impact it has on our mental health, particularly over the last 2 years. 

We chose to focus on birds and feathers, as birdlife came up again and again in our conversations with the Stourhead community, and felt the symbol of the feather held so much resonance with the space. We facilitated 10 creative workshops over the summer months, working with community groups local to Stourhead. Together, we explored the grounds, held conversations around experiences of nature during the pandemic, and created thousands of feathers from plastic milk bottles, some of which, transformed into birds. 

See more about the project on the National Trust website here

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