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E d g e - w a t e r s    ( P E R M E A T E )   -   M A W D D A C H   R E S I D E N C Y 

During my 2 week residency along the shore of the Mawddach Estuary in West Wales,  I explored the concept of human-made boundaries in the context of climate change and deep time, and how over time, these boundaries are inevitably permeated by the environment. Employing craft and textile led processes to subvert the patriarchal connotations of hard boundaries and land ownership, I created a series of purposely delicate structures to interact with the environment. I engaged in interventions in the land, to trace and observe the movement of light, wind, water, silt and organic matter over time, and experimented with different scales of permanence and impermanence. I worked exclusively with materials from the land, working with their intrinsic qualities, and I utilised the shifts in the environment- the tides, the weather, the light - to form a collaboration between myself and the landscape.

This is part of an on-going project exploring 'edge-water' locations and the impacts they face have over the coming years driven by climate change. I am committed to reducing my environmental impact as much as possible for the duration of this project. I will travel by bike and train, carrying with me a ‘travelling tool kit’, and use only found and gathered materials from the land to produce the artworks.

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